Our Work.

What We Do

We are a worldwide ministry in which millions of children reap the benefits of one man’s clear

Together we can make a difference

Our choices today shape the world tomorrow. Let’s hold ourselves accountable for the environmental impact of our actions. Small changes in lifestyle can lead to a big change for the planet.

Youth and Community Participation

Young people can play an active role in protecting and improving the environment. They can change their lifestyle and how it affects the environment.

Keep kids healthy and ready to learn

For us at Tbern Foundation environmental education is a major tool in our quest towards environmental protection and sustainable development.

Where We Work

9,000 people, inn nearly 10 regions

Distance doesn’t diminish our love.

Education for less privileged individuals can have a profound and multifaceted impact, positively influencing not only the individuals themselves but also their communities and societies.


Investing in education for less privileged individuals is not only a matter of social justice but also a strategic investment in the overall well-being and development of societies. It has the potential to bring about positive and lasting change at both individual and societal levels.

Anthony B. Dovi

Tbern Foundation Founder